
Showing posts from November, 2017

Yep! I’m still preggo!!

“No baby yet??” “Where is that baby?” “No sign of the new arrival yet??” “Oh someone must be comfortable, you still haven’t had the baby??” Yes! Yes! I have had the baby and the huge bump is actually a basketball that I stole from the shop, I’m trying to be sneaky!!! NO!!! I haven’t had the baby yet!!  6,720 hours/ 280 days/ 40 weeks Whichever way you look at it, pregnancy is LONG!! But I’m pretty sure the final month actually lasts 6,720 hours/280 days/ 40 weeks alone!  Both of my previous pregnancies lasted 40 weeks + 4 days and this one (our last, May I add!) was looking like it was going to be a very different story... preterm labour was suspected in week 32, medicines were prescribed, bed rest was enforced and here I am.. approaching our due date + and still no baby! Now don’t get me wrong, I know cooking time is 40weeks so we still have time but I’m done!! Nightly Braxton Hicks, walking like I have shit my pants, no longer being able to sit up or sit down witho