
Showing posts from June, 2018

Goodbye, Facebook!

My name is Kay and I am a social media addict. These words kill me but it is the truth. Facebook has become an automatic “go to” activity in my daily life.  Seeing someone’s pictures or reading their updates has become my socialising. “Liking” a picture or perhaps even “loving” something has become my connection to others. This is wrong. How can I expect my kids to stay off their iPads, if I can’t take myself away from my phone? (Please note the painting my son did of me last year. It’s so beautiful and colourful and he’s even included the baby in my belly but there’s the other addition, my phone!!) I dread to think how many hours I have wasted following links, reading random posts about pointless things and crying at videos of soldiers returning home to surprise their families. Yes, these are heart warming videos but there is a time and a place for it and that shouldn’t be when my baby is staring up at me from her bouncy chair or whilst my son is trying endlessly to perfect