
Showing posts from April, 2018

Be the difference

I sat recently and thought really hard about my kids and their futures and what I want for them. Do I want them to be rich? Successful? Cure cancer? Win Olympic gold? Well yes, all of the above if I’m being honest but deep down, what do I want my children to become. I want them to be good people; Good human beings with good hearts that want to do good things for others. There are just too many assholes in this world, it’s our job to ensue we help guide these kids away from potential assholdom (pretty sure that’s a word!) and towards.... what’s the opposite of assholdom?? Non- assholdom?!?! Yep, that’ll do nicely.   This sounds so idealistic and fluffy but it’s so true. I can’t honestly prepare them for the world they will live in in 15-20 years as I don’t know what that world will look like and I can’t fully prepare them for their future careers, perhaps these jobs haven’t even been invented yet; but I can prepare them to be good people; people who live life with empathy, altruism an