
Showing posts from July, 2018
So, I did it! I survived life without Facebook for 9 days. Was it painful? No.... Was it challenging?...yes  Did I miss it?... no Did I miss anything? Yes, a few birthdays (sorry!) What I have learned from my “break” from FB is that it’s pretty clear that FB has become a necessity in our society. Without it, a lot of information is unaccessible to me; for example summer camps for my kids, social events and fantastic bargains being shared on sale boards by other mums. I hate this but I appreciate it is the world we live in and for this reason, I now only look on FB for those things. I will scroll through once or twice a day but I won’t like everything (please don’t think I don’t actually like things but if there is something that really grabs my attention or makes me feel something... I’ll message you, I’ll connect, I won’t just click anymore). I have started a FB cull. If you share pictures of people you don’t know as it’s their birthday and they have no friends and want