So, I did it! I survived life without Facebook for 9 days. Was it painful? No.... Was it challenging?...yes  Did I miss it?... no
Did I miss anything? Yes, a few birthdays (sorry!)

What I have learned from my “break” from FB is that it’s pretty clear that FB has become a necessity in our society. Without it, a lot of information is unaccessible to me; for example summer camps for my kids, social events and fantastic bargains being shared on sale boards by other mums.
I hate this but I appreciate it is the world we live in and for this reason, I now only look on FB for those things. I will scroll through once or twice a day but I won’t like everything (please don’t think I don’t actually like things but if there is something that really grabs my attention or makes me feel something... I’ll message you, I’ll connect, I won’t just click anymore).

I have started a FB cull. If you share pictures of people you don’t know as it’s their birthday and they have no friends and want 1,000,000 likes to make them smile, or if you ask me to pass on a picture of a heart because it shows you that I see your posts and love you... you’re out!!!

Let’s use FB as a platform to stay connected with people, not as a stick to poke people with just to remind them you’re alive and you want some love.  If you really need a hug, step away from the screen and go and go have a conversation with someone who cares, or better yet, go and get an actual hug or two. I am a hugger so always happy to dish out bozies when required.

I have promised my kids that I will only look on FB  in the morning and at night, and for no longer than 10 minutes. I have also promised them that I won’t share any photos of them that they don’t want me to share (I take so many cute ones but I have to respect their rights and it’s only fair that they are included in the decisions making).
As well as the kids,  I have promised myself that I won’t allow myself to get bogged down or angered with the craziness of others.  From now on, if  FB makes me feel drained, angered, upset, guilty or just generally crappy and I start making those faces that my kids find hilarious (apparently it looks like I’ve just stepped in something yucky and I need to be carefully of any sudden wind changes!)  I will remove myself from the screen.

A big thing I’m taking away from this is that FB action has resulted in us stopping taking action
 ourselves. Living in a foreign country, I initially relied heavily on expat groups for advice and top tips but I was always shocked when people would ask, “where can I buy bread?” Or “what time is the mall opening today?”  There is definitely a time and a place for using FB when searching for suggestions of must see things or events as there are some super helpful people out there but when you use it as you are too lazy to get out there and take action and find things out for themselves and explore...I’m out!
 Same can be said for people who post videos of animal cruelty or any kind of local injustice. If you see something, don’t automatically go for your phone and post; take action! Maybe do something to make a difference there and then. I hate seeing videos or photos of things that people have witnessed and instead of lending a hand, contact authorities, calling a vet or even just checking if someone is ok, they continue their day but post what they witnessed. Chances are, I can’t help.. the time has passed, lets stop missing that opportunity and use our presence whenever we can. 

I’m ranting and I’m aware of that but I think I need to as I’m honestly the worst at this!! I see things that anger me and I take a picture as “evidence” to show my husband so I can relay the story and share my experience. But I’ve changed nothing, I’ve done nothing. All I have done is  I’ve just handed him a handful of dog crap and await for him to be as disgusted as me.

I hope this doesn’t all sound too negative but I have this strange love/hate relationship with FB. I really think it’s an awesome tool that we can use to connect with people and share special moments and I honestly love seeing photographs of my friend’s kids and others’ vacations and lives; but I have to step back and ensure that I’m not a just a spectator in their lives, watching closely through the FB lens.

So... next time you see a post about wounded soldiers, if it’s affected you, find a charity and donate. If you see an idea of something that your kids would love, don’t like it, do it!  (I’m shocking at doing this! Find all these great things to do or see with the kids, “like” it and then it stops there). 

Writing this blog started out as a way for me to express myself and just share things with friends and family but it has turned into something very different. It now forces me to look at myself and be more accountable; if I say I’ll do something, I’m going to bloody well do it! And for me, this is exactly what I need to get my arse in gear!!

I will now get off my soapbox but if I post anything that completely goes against everything I’ve just said, slap me and remind me of this!!

Do you have a love/hate relationship with Facebook too? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Wishing you all a wonderful and connected week ahead
Love, Kay


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