
Showing posts from January, 2018

No more toys!

I love Christmas and my kids birthdays, they are  by far my favourite times of the year. But every year, the same question gets me, “what are the kids into just now? What toy do they want?”   Now, please please please please don’t think I’m being ungrateful or just a real grumpy bitch, they have been given some very thoughtful things in the past and I appreciate that people see things and love to buy them for our kids... but the time has come to say it loud and say it proud.. our kids need no more toys! When we had our first child, we bought him all the baby sensory toys we could find and everywhere we went we would buy something to commemorate our trip; a small memento to remind us  of that moment in time when he experienced something for the first time & we did as parents. Then we had our daughter and ofcourse she needed all the pink toys we could get our hands on as well as every Disney princess knickknack from the tea sets to the transvestite looking Belle Barbie. 

Then there were 3!

The last 8 weeks have gone by so quickly and I can barely believe that we are surviving as a family of 5 and we’re all still smiling, semi sane and alive!! It is 9.15am, I’ve just managed to get Bailey to sleep in her bouncy chair and I’m enjoying a hot... yes a hot cup of coffee & i’m reflecting on how different this experience has been to our first born. I think if I compare first and third, I need to start at the beginning... the pregnancy! If you’ve read any of my previous blogs you’ll know I was miserable whilst pregnant! Haemorrhoids, morning sickness, acne, sleepless nights and crippling mummy guilt; so I truly was a delight!  Pregnancy I think one of the main differences was the amount of googling I did during my first pregnancy.  1: With Jacob, I googled everything!! And I mean everything.. what should I eat, what shouldn’t I eat, what can I do, what can’t I do, I knew every week what the baby was doing in there and how he was developing. 3: With Bai