Then there were 3!

The last 8 weeks have gone by so quickly and I can barely believe that we are surviving as a family of 5 and we’re all still smiling, semi sane and alive!!
It is 9.15am, I’ve just managed to get Bailey to sleep in her bouncy chair and I’m enjoying a hot... yes a hot cup of coffee & i’m reflecting on how different this experience has been to our first born.

I think if I compare first and third, I need to start at the beginning... the pregnancy! If you’ve read any of my previous blogs you’ll know I was miserable whilst pregnant! Haemorrhoids, morning sickness, acne, sleepless nights and crippling mummy guilt; so I truly was a delight! 

I think one of the main differences was the amount of googling I did during my first pregnancy. 
1: With Jacob, I googled everything!! And I mean everything.. what should I eat, what shouldn’t I eat, what can I do, what can’t I do, I knew every week what the baby was doing in there and how he was developing.

3: With Bailey, I knew she was growing as I was getting bigger. Done! 

Then there was labour and this time I was genuinely excited to get my fat ass in that room! 
1: When I think back to my first labour, it was horrific.. not enough drugs, it was way too long and hurt, stitches are a bitch!  That’s all I can remember, I have erased this experience from my mind but it’s funny how it all came flooding back when we were back in the labour room this time!

3:  I had contractions, asked for epidural after an hour, 30 minutes later and 9 minutes of pushing, pop! Epidurals are amazing, why didn’t I insist on the drugs sooner!? Please don’t judge me or think I’m weird but I actually enjoyed this labour; I think it was because I knew I could do it and I knew it was the last time I’d have to push a human through my hooha!

1: I remember being absolutely petrified of poo!!!! I had been warned that it’s common for women to push and a whole load of stuff can come along with that during labour. So I remember apologising to my husband just in case anything happened; if I’m being honest, I remember actually holding a fart in during one contraction!! 
3: Now this time, as I’m in Thailand, they insist I have an enema during labour as they are super clean and hygienic and the last thing they want is this crazy western woman pooping all over their wonderfully sterile labour room. During the enema I stared at my husband throughout. I can only imagine the fear in his eyes were reflecting the looks I was giving that poor guy. I then had to make a quick exit but was told I had to leave bathroom door open! My poor Husband heard everything.. the dude didn’t even know I pooped and now he’s heard me completely lose everything (including a lung I think!?)

1: In Scotland, we were given 6hours after my son was born and then we were kindly asked to
leave. Lights were turned on in the Room and they even packed my bag for me as I was trying to figure out how to put one leg in front of the other when I felt like my insides could possibly fall out at any second. 
3:  Here, you can stay 48 hours! 48 hours!! No cooking, cleaning.. and they even take the baby to the nursery to let me sleep... I ain’t leaving!!

Walking out of hospital
1: “why would they let me leave with a baby?!?! Do they know how clueless I am?!” 
3: “why would they let this baby leave with me?! Don’t they know it’s my third?” 

First few days
1: Live in baggy clothes and leak from every orifice. Cry every time I pee and reminisce on the days when I felt human.
3: Whilst this kid sleeps, I’m living!! I’m reading a book, I’m having a cuppa, I’m having a long hot shower... ooh I may even apply foundation!!

1: Everything was brand new, organic cotton, ironed and smelling baby fresh. Jacob was changed as soon as the slightest bit of spit up landed on his clean clothes. 
3: Bailey’s clothes are either hand me downs or gifts. Everything is clean, perhaps matching and kept on until really needs removing!

1: Omg, how can I settle this baby?!!! Take it out for a drive in the car at 3am, walk the floors for hours, google the pitch of the cry, try swinging baby rapidly like in episode of “ friends”, google of swinging baby rapidly is actually ok?! , change the nappy/diaper, work Baby’s legs, walk some more, take baby for a walk at 4am... google sleep deprivation symptoms

3: It’s  probably gas.. just keep patting its back, it’ll burp or fart soon enough. If all else fails, give it the boob. Works like a charm everytime!

I remember worrying about everything and thinking the nightmare of sleepless nights and a screaming baby were never ending. Now, I’m embracing every second. Bailey is our last baby and she has completed our family. For these last 8 weeks I have changed my view on her, motherhood and myself. I have been kinder to myself, I have been more understanding and I have chosen to be accepting. This is all new to her and she needs us to hold her and guide her into this crazy family and life. I will hold her whenever she needs it, we will hang out in pjs and watch “Friends”together & I will rock her to sleep and smile with her in the middle of the night. 
This phase sucks, it’s tiring, it’s stressful and it’s tough but it’s a phase, she’ll be passed this before I know it and she won’t need my hugs and gentle words to soothe her. So I’m choosing to enjoy it.. enjoy the nightly marathon bedtime routine, the vomit on my shirt, the explosive nappies and the cries that sound as if she is being attacked by wolves instead of just being laid down for 30 seconds whilst I pee!
We’re in this together and we’re going to enjoy every second of this crazy first year!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,
Kay x


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