
Showing posts from February, 2018


Every morning I wake up and grab for my phone; I check my messages, emails and then check in with the world of Facebook. This morning I read an amazing blog entry from two wonderful ladies I met in Texas. These ladies and their blog are the reason I went to the hospital to have a colonoscopy at the age of 33 & these ladies are the reason I found out that I had the colon of a 69 year old and if I didn’t sort myself out, I would eventually develop colon cancer.  Blogs are a fantastic avenue in which we can vent and share and sometimes, a blog can change your mood, perspective or perhaps even your life. (Thank you again, ladies!) In their blog today, they wrote about friendships and the kind of friends that “fan our flames”, friends that uplift us and inspire  us to be better people. This really made me think.. Again, I’m going to refer back to the latest shooting in the US. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a teacher, because I have kids in school, have a newborn or I’m j

Choose love

Sometimes you can plan and prepare everything and be in the best mood and life takes a big old dump on you!! Something unexpected happens, someone says something, it can be anything; something happens to you and suddenly your day is a shit tip!  This happened to me this morning. I woke up later than usual as the baby was unsettled in the night and the house was chaos! Just as my husband was getting our son into the car, my daughter walked into my room with her pyjamas on in tears, “I can’t find my other sock!!”... and so it begins... So my poor husband was juggling the morning routine today of getting the kids up, fed and dressed as well as getting himself ready for the office and I knew in that moment that Sienna’s sock was going to bring the house down!  He’s screaming as they are going to be late, Sienna is literally running around in circles (one sockless foot was obviously knocking her off balance!?!) and the baby is throwing up all over me. This is where it hits