
Showing posts from March, 2018

Who are you?

Introvert, extrovert, chatty, aloof, confident, shy, snobby, warm, irritating...  Are any of these words ones that you’d use to describe yourself? How about other people? Do you feel that people really “get” you?  I turn 36 this year and I have come to accept the person that I am; that’s not to say I’m 100% happy with myself but I understand myself better and feel more comfortable in my own skin. Throughout my life, many people have made snap judgements about me, my bitchy resting face and introverted characteristics have made me seem aloof, snobby, unfriendly and sometimes even boring. Seriously though.... this was me having fun at a beautiful family wedding!!!!     This always bothered me as I found myself becoming increasingly worried about what people thought of me. It wasn’t until I attended a coaching course and completed the Myers Briggs test that I was able to really get down to the nitty gritty of what makes me me. I hate the idea of taking a test and lab

Make your list!

Last week I did something that I have always dreamed of doing; I bathed with elephants. I unfortunately live in a country where these beautiful creatures are tortured for the logging and tourist industry and have their spirits and bodies crushed by small people with big hooks. Fortunately, there are some people trying to solve this and there are places where these elephants are being rescued and treated with care and the love they deserve. (I appreciate they are still in the tourist industry but this is somewhere that people can be educated about elephants and hopefully reduce the amount of elephant shows/rides tourists take). It wasn’t until I returned home that it dawned on me that I could now “tick” this off my bucket list. “Bucket list”, is a term I really dislike so instead wish to call it “Kay’s List”.  I want to see the world with my husband and do all the magical things that so many others dream of; go on safari, skydive, take a hot air balloon ride etc. But I’ve decide