Make your list!

Last week I did something that I have always dreamed of doing; I bathed with elephants. I unfortunately live in a country where these beautiful creatures are tortured for the logging and tourist industry and have their spirits and bodies crushed by small people with big hooks. Fortunately, there are some people trying to solve this and there are places where these elephants are being rescued and treated with care and the love they deserve. (I appreciate they are still in the tourist industry but this is somewhere that people can be educated about elephants and hopefully reduce the amount of elephant shows/rides tourists take).
It wasn’t until I returned home that it dawned on me that I could now “tick” this off my bucket list. “Bucket list”, is a term I really dislike so instead wish to call it “Kay’s List”. 
I want to see the world with my husband and do all the magical things that so many others dream of; go on safari, skydive, take a hot air balloon ride etc. But I’ve decided that I want my own list; a list filled with things that excite and inspire me, things that rely on no one but me. 
The reason I am blogging about this is is because I’m a mum. I know for a bloody fact, that if I don’t do this for myself, mummyhood will get in the way .
So, I sat and gave myself 30 minutes, 30 minutes for me to dream as big as I wanted, to dig deep and really allow myself to be selfish and just think of me.

Kay’s List

1: Write a children’s book

2: Go back to school & earn my Masters. 

3: Learn how to use the expensive camera I begged my husband for 

4: Perfect a signature dish; something that my family loves and reminds them of me.
 (And I can make without potentially poisoning everyone)

5: Be able to do a yoga headstand!

6: Get my PADI certification 

7: Spend a Christmas with my family and friends in a chalet surrounded by snow (Wham! “Last Christmas” style!)

8: Get a tattoo

9: Understand wine ( I don’t mean become all wanky and start discussing its “bouquet” but understand the grapes and different regions; be able to order wine and really understand the differences of the options rather than asking for the house red or automatically passing the wine list to my other half.)

10: Start my own charity or at least be part of a leadership team within a charity that truly challenges and inspires me and makes a difference

11: Learn what the hell the iCloud is!?! Figure out which cloud they’re all hanging out on and try and get them all stored on a hard drive

12: Score a goal in an actual game of football and not just against my kids

There are not many things on my list yet but I know I will add to it and I definitely won’t remove anything. If I can’t do it this year, I’ll do it in the future. This is not a morbid list of things I want to do before I kick the bucket, it’s a list of things that I want for me.

What’s on your list? If you don’t have one, take time to think about it & I bet you’ll surprise yourself!

Wishing you a fab week ahead,
Kay x


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