Who are you?

Introvert, extrovert, chatty, aloof, confident, shy, snobby, warm, irritating... 

Are any of these words ones that you’d use to describe yourself? How about other people? Do you feel that people really “get” you? 
I turn 36 this year and I have come to accept the person that I am; that’s not to say I’m 100% happy with myself but I understand myself better and feel more comfortable in my own skin.

Throughout my life, many people have made snap judgements about me, my bitchy resting face and introverted characteristics have made me seem aloof, snobby, unfriendly and sometimes even boring. Seriously though.... this was me having fun at a beautiful family wedding!!!! 

   This always bothered me as I found myself becoming increasingly worried about what people thought of me. It wasn’t until I attended a coaching course and completed the Myers Briggs test that I was able to really get down to the nitty gritty of what makes me me.

I hate the idea of taking a test and labelling myself and then using that to explain my actions or behaviour; but this test really helped me. 
I am an extroverted introvert, I love being with others but gain my energy from small group interactions or by spending time alone. At a party, I prefer to sit with one person and really get to know them rather than socialising with large groups (this is where my husband and I differ). Admitting this to myself was huge! There were so many times that I would be in large groups and feel lonely. I’d watch my husband chat up a storm and I’m instead feeling anxious and awkward. From this test, we figured out that my husband and I are exact opposites and I genuinely believe that is why we work so well together, we bring every aspect of crazy human personality traits into our household (I’m INFP and he is ESTJ).

I’ve always been amazed by how people’s perceptions of me can be so wrong & by how many people have told me their perceptions of me before they really knew me. I love when people openly admit making assumptions and then get to know someone and admit they were wrong. Personally, I think I’m pretty damn good at gauging people but have to admit that there have been times when I’ve been pleasantly surprised to learn that I’m completely wrong (never repeat that to my husband). Now I wait a wee while before I make any assumptions or judgements! 

No one knows you better than you but if you have the time, I recommend taking the test; you may be surprised.

A personality test isn’t going to give you all the answers but understanding yourself enables you to understand others better too... he’s not a complete asshole, he just views this situation differently, she’s not cold and calculating, she just views things with her head over her heart.  Don’t get me wrong, this is not the answer to world peace, some people will be assholes and some are cold and calculating but it’s definitely a step towards inner peace. 

Wishing you all a great weekend.


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