Breakfast Breakdowns!!

Mornings with kids can be tough . Mornings where you have to be up and out of your house by 6.30 with kids, is a nightmare of catastrophic proportions!!! A simple lost sock or hair dilemma and you find yourself in the middle of a breakfast breakdown and your day is already screwed!
So to add to this madness, I've decided (in my infinite wisdom) to introduce new breakfasts for my kids to try!
As a family, we tend to eat healthily but I'm aware that my kids breakfast choices are not the healthiest and I need to up my breakfast game.

Banana Hotdogs 

I decided to start off easy and try "breakfast banana hot dogs". Basically this is sliced banana in a hot dog bun with your own spread ( peanut butter, butter, honey, jelly, Nutella would all be good options); served with a side of grapes and apples.
My verdict: Super quick and easy & if it gets my kids to eat more fruit, I'm in!  As a kid, I would have loved this.
Kids verdict: "Hotdogs!?! For breakfast! I don't want sausage! I don't want bananas! Who cut the bananas?"
 They both liked it but wouldn't want it again. They like bread, bananas and Nutella but not together... next time they would like apples in the bun instead?! What?!
I had  to advise my children to dissect their sandwiches and eat everything separately as I was losing the will to live by 6.20! We didn't get out of the house until 6.40 and were late for school. I think I'm onto a winner with these new breakfasts!

                                 Overnight Oats with Homemade Banana Bread


Ok so learning from yesterday's mistakes, I made sure I was out of bed by 5.30 and the kettle was on! Luckily this mornings prep was easy as I'd done most of it yesterday.. just had a few pieces of fruit to chop, coffee to make to awaken the parentals and Bob's your uncle!!
My verdict: Personally, I'm loving these overnight oats! Super easy to make and nice to know I'm eating something healthy rather than my usual breakfast bar. My kids are always a nightmare with new things and I've read somewhere that they have to try things 11 times before

 they can begin to enjoy it. Look out kiddos... 10 more oats breakfasts coming your way!!!
As a result of the pre prep last night, we were out of the door by 6.30 and at school for 6.42!?! WAY too early for me personally but the kids were delighted as they got a check to play.
Kid's verdict: "What is that?  Is that chocolate?? I'll eat the chocolate"
Jacob's face was screwed up the entire time he ate the oats but I persuaded him to mix the chips in so he'd get a nice surprise when he ate one. He was sold.

Sienna, not so much. She dipped her spoon in and licked the tiniest bit of yogurt and then confessed that she thought it was awful! Apparently when yogurt is in a pot, it tastes way better than when you serve it in a bowl... fact!

Arty yogurts & Wholemeal Strawberry muffins


 It seems that preparation and simplicity could be the key to breaking our boring breakfast habits. So today we have arty yogurt concoctions and wholewheat banana and strawberry muffins (these can be eaten now or in car)
My verdict: Having all the  ingredients from yesterday's banana bread made this a doddle. I used some frozen fruit as well as fresh so easy on the purse too!
Kids verdict: "I liked it... I didn't like the yogurt and I didn't like the fruit but it was good?! "(Seriously, why do I bother asking these kids?!)

Scrambled Egg Tortillas

So this morning was the kind of morning where everything goes according to plan & I let myself fall into a false sense of security; Then the kids woke up!!! Jacob had a nightmare and Sienna was just exhausted so it was like trying to communicate with stoned sloths! From the second I presented them their breakfast, I knew I would need to up my inner "Mary Poppins" . 
My verdict: Blitzed the eggs in the microwave so this took 2 minutes to prepare, just enough time to boil the kettle. Main issue this morning wa last trying to get a decent picture of the dish... I have proven to myself that photography is not my thing!

Kids verdict: Both kids loved this and ate really well despite barely managing to sit up. "Now that is breakfast!"( Praise indeed from the newly awakened sloths)

Chia Seed & Fruity Cereal Yogurt

Final morning of my breakfast bonanza and I have decided to keep it super simple (thank you to a friend of my mine for this wee nugget!). Pots of their favourite yogurt (confession: it's actually Greek yogurt in a washed pot of their favourite yogurt... shhhh!), mixed with fresh
fruit and disguising said fruit with a topping of their favourite cereal!
My verdict: easiest breakfast by far!

Kids verdict: " I like it really much! But I just don't want it again!"


What I've learned this week:
I am not a great photographer, nutritionalist or baker! But I've tried and I will continue to try new things. Secondly, to get  my munchkins  ready for the day, I need to ensure I get my ass out of bed by 5.30 and give myself that 30minutes to sort myself out and awaken the inner mummy that has the enthusiasm and smiles to deal with whatever those lovely balls of snot have to throw at me... friendships, God, death, marriage, farts; it never amazes me the important
discussions I need to be ready for over the breakfast table and car ride to school.
But now it's the weekend and mummy's kitchen is closed!!! Roll on Starbucks breakfasts and take aways!
                         Wishing you all a fab weekend,
                                                           Kay x


  1. So, I wouldn't normally big you up about anything as I feel you need some people to keep you grounded but ... you're pretty good at this blog thing! Just need to get your profile raised a little so it becomes a regular read for the masses ...


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