
Hi, my name is Kay and I am a blog virgin! This is my first blog entry and I am happy to report that this task resulted in me experiencing my first dose of writer's block in a very long time!
How can someone have so many ideas and thoughts jumbling around in their head but not have a clue where to start?
So, let's be logical (something which has never really been one of my strengths...). Who am I?

Like so many of you, I wear many hats; I'm a mummy to 2 amazing kids, I'm a wife to an incredible & ridiculously patient man, I'm a full time stay at home mummy, a Scot living as an expat in Thailand, a primary school teacher, a daughter, a friend, a sister and so much more.
And this, I feel, is where my story begins. I often feel I struggle to manage all my different roles whilst always staying true to myself.  
What better way to express these feelings and ideas than share them on a blog? 
This blog is my opportunity to share my honest thoughts on life with 2 kids and my pregnancy (yes, number 3 is on her way!), my struggles and celebrations as a mummy, my many hopes and dreams, my culinary disasters and triumphs & education and craft ideas; I need to put my crazy amount of Pinterest pins to good use! All of this with a pinch of love, happiness, laughter and many cringey "Kay" moments!
Let's give this a go and I hope you join me on this journey.


  1. Fantastic start... who knew I had such a talented writer living next door! Way to go, Kay!! XO, Missy

  2. Kay your honest and articulate writing is so refreshing in a world where we are all striving to be a perfect parent in a not so perfect world. Your a rock star!⭐️


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