Schools In!

Schools In!

As a kid, I used to countdown the sleeps until the start of the new school year.  I loved  going out to buy all the new stationary, trying my hardest to persuade my mum to buy me the leather "Head" bag I knew all my friends were getting and desperately hoping that this would be the year she would give in & finally buy me the Clark's Princess shoes I was so longing for!

No one prepared me for my babies starting their countdowns. Helping them pick out their pencil cases and a bag that I hoped would be functional (snore) but also cool enough to impress their friends, was the first stressful job.                                                                                                      

Our kids currently attend an international school here in Bangkok and as a result, many kids have left to move to other countries over the summer and many more have arrived.  To help alleviate the heartbreak of long term school friends moving on, our school mixes the classes each year. Initially I wasn't keen on this idea but I have grown to appreciate it and understand that it allows the kids to increase their circle of friends as well as meet kids from all over the World.

 The night before school starts is a real kick up the arse for our family as we are suddenly reminded of the importance of routine (something that disappeared this summer amongst late nights,  socialising and lack of energy to actually argue with my kids about bed!)

 But by 8pm the night before school starts, the kids are bathed and fast asleep, their bags are packed and sitting by the door, their water bottles are filled, new school clothes are laid out and their new school year boards are ready for first day pics in the morning. This is the exact moment it dawns on me that this is probably the most organised I will ever be.. I savour the moment, this Wonder Woman feeling and make a huge decision; this year will be different, I will be wonder mum all year!!  (I have to let you know that even as I write this, at the end of the first week, I'm laughing at my naivety!)

First morning is bliss, everything goes according to plan! Kids have a healthy breakfast, they both look so smart, they are in good spirits and we are all in the car in by 6.30am... maybe this Wonder Woman thing is going to really work!

 Whilst waiting for our eldest to enter the school doors, the cool and calm exterior disappears and suddenly I become this human meerkat, on her tippitoes, trying everything she can to get her baby's attention to have one last wave goodbye. There are too many parents & too many kids and I know he can't see me... and then I do it! 
I stand on the playground bench, shout his name at the top of my voice and begin to wave furiously like my hand has gone into some kind of odd spasm. Yes... I became "that" mum.
I looked at my husband and his face said everything; when did the cute girl I married become this complete psychopath standing on a bench, screaming and waving like an enthusiastic toddler?
Mission accomplished!As I walk to the car, the worrying starts: are they ok? Are the other kids being nice to them? Do their teachers understand their unique personalities and how special they truly are??
I have friends with kids of all ages and they always tell me they have these concerns every year and to just have faith in my kids and know they will be alright; there will be struggles at school but we'll deal with them when they arise. 
So I start my day. 
The most amazing thing that always gets me is just how much I miss my babies when they walk through the school door; I ache for them and their brother/sister banter, constant inquisitiveness and desperate need for my attention....
And then
Within 30 minutes of them being in the house door on Friday afternoon, I'm counting the sleeps until Monday for some peace and quiet away from the constant brother/sister bickering, never ending questions and desperate and exhausting need for my attention!

Things I've learned this week:

1: Getting up earlier than the kids is a great idea in theory & for me lasts approximately 3 days! 
At the start of the week, I will jump out of bed like a jack in the box and buzz around preparing everything like a pro and by Friday, I will roll out of bed at the same time as the kids, scrape my hair back or throw on a hat and decide that a breakfast bar is a perfectly nutritious and healthy breakfast.   

2: I will never learn everyone's name!
I try so hard but unfortunately I am "name-inept. I will try to learn the 20+ kids in both classes, their parents names and perhaps even a sibling or 2 but already we are at 100+ names and this is not going to happen. So please prepare to be called "so and so's mummy/daddy", love or honey; don't take it personally!

3: Never ask "how was your day?" Or "what did you do today?"
Everything is fine and they did nothing!!! I have started to ask what their friends did instead as that always seems to be way more interesting than the "nothing" my kids do. 

4: Every class has "that" kid! 
Already I've had stories about "the naughty one"; whether it's the one that runs around saying Santa isn't real (don't even start me on that one! I'll deal with that in a later post!) , or the one that tried to be friend your child by weeing on them in them in the urinal (true story! Gross, weird and so gross but true!) or maybe it's just the really annoying Whiney one... every class will have one and you will hear about them. 

5: I'm no Wonder Woman!!!
We survived our first week back... the kids were only late once (Rain in Bangkok = traffic meltdown) and we've managed to avoid any major meltdowns.
Next week, I will start the week the same as last and strive to keep my babies alive, dressed in uniforms (although maybe not always the correct uniform for the correct day), fed, watered and loved... winning!!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! 


  1. Not sure if it is possible to love this post any more than I already do, but it is truly spot on (except that you really are Wonder Woman!). XO, Missy


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