What are you going to write about??

Since I launched this blog last week, I've had some lovely support and lots of questions. One question I found most common was, "what are you going to write about?"
Those of you that know me, know how dippy I am. I love to think that I'm über organised and I live for a to do list but honestly, I'm unmethodical, unsystematic, undisciplined, unprepared and all the other words I found when I googled "synonyms for disorganised"!! (I love a Google!!)
  This question really helped me focus on why I started this blog and what I want to gain from it.
 I'm a very honest person and want to share my experiences as a mum; a role I not only find challenging and incredibly rewarding but one that comes without a manual but with a ridiculous set of expectations; some set by society, some by other mums and the harshest being the ones we set ourselves.
 I find in today's society, where Facebook and instagram dominate, everyone's life looks so perfect; kids are always dressed in wonderful  colour coordination, homes are immaculate, women's contouring is always on point and photos are photoshopped. It seriously worries me as a mum  to a young girl that this is the world she is growing up in.  I want her to love her own skin and not feel she has to be Facebook ready 24/7 just in case someone snaps her at any point. Seriously, I've seen some women in real life after seeing them first on Facebook and please...stop!!  If you ever go missing, no one is going to be able to recognise the real you! You're beautiful!  That chick on your Facebook or Instagram page is not attainable, she is not real, she is a vision of perfection... we are human, we are imperfect, shouldn't that be celebrated? (I sound so preachy but I am a victim of Facebook snooping and feeling insecure surrrounded by all these beauties & this is something that I want to change. How can I hope for better for my little girl, when I fall into those traps myself?!)
Don't get me wrong, I too enjoy a little editing now and again; since moving to Bangkok my teeth have transformed from American pearly whites to Austin Powers' rejects! So yes, I will occasionally splash a wee bit of white on my teeth on my photo app but I promise you that the melasma scars, eyes bags and grey hairs are 100% my own.
So to cut a long story short, I promise to be honest and unphotoshopped and to seal this promise, enjoy this beautiful pic of me I sent to my husband a few months ago when he asked how my morning sickness was that day 😂

 Also on this blog, I plan to try lots of new & hopefully deliciously healthy recipes and I'll give you my honest feedback; this is common place on many blogs and YouTube videos but I am going to put a slight twist on this and  include the honest feedback from my two children and husband. I can't quite decide whose feedback I am more looking forward to; my veggie-fobe, won't eat anything colourful or new or remotely healthy children or my poor husband who is forever subjected to my culinary disasters!

One of my passions is teaching, I used to love being a teacher & I love the idea of sharing this with others.. There's something about children's enthusiasm and excitement for learning that is so contagious. Learning should be fun, learning should be child led and if you can't learn something whilst you teach, then you ain't doing it properly! 
I've never wanted to "teach" my own kids (I've never  tried to teach them to read or attempted to homeschool them, as I think there is  plenty of time for that when they are at school and are ready); but I love finding new fun ways to engage with them and hopefully we'll all learn something together.  If I find something that we enjoy, I'll let you know... and if we do something that completely blows, I'll be sure to share that too! It might not work for us it might be perfect for someone else.

And lastly I will share my love for all things arts and crafts. If you were to look on my Pinterest boards, you'd think I was a mini Martha Stewart but unfortunately my skills are incredibly limited as my enthusiasm for pinning these ideas and then the actual enthusiasm for completing the task itself, appears to be very different! With baby 3 on the way, I have lots of projects that I plan to follow through one, one in particular I am very excited about and that's a surprise Baby shower for my kids!! I can't wait to tell you all about this and share the day with you but for the moment, shhhhh it's a secret!

Another is my never ending excitement for all things Christmas! Baby is due in November so I think Christmas prep in October is totally understandable and doable. My poor husband thought this was a joke until I showed him my October to do list and right at the top was decorate the Christmas tree!!  I will keep you updated with my journeys to China Town here in Bangkok to purchase crazy festive Tid bits, Christmas crafting around the house and holiday activities for our elves (I may even include the dreaded "Elf on the Shelf"!!!!) 

Jacob turned 7 today so this weekend will be filled with birthday celebrations, cake and pregnancy enduced hormonal moments where I contemplate the fact that our baby boy is growing up way too quick! He has reassured me that even though turning 7 is a HUGE deal, he's still not ready for marriage or to move out... phew!! 

Wishing you a wonderful week!


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