Bloody Bedrest!

Bed & rest, probably two of the best things to do on a lazy Sunday; they're almost as good as Netflix and chill.  Perfect combination and once you add in some ice cream and snacks, I'm in heaven.  Or so I thought!
My pregnancy decided to step up a gear and go from annoying and uncomfortable to painful and worrying. Whilst watching my son's gymnastics, my contractions started... holy shit bags, who knew watching forward tumbles could have such an effect on my uterus!  We rush to the hospital and yep contractions have started, baby isn't coming but if I'm not put on meds and start bedrest asap, she will be.

And here I am... bedrest for a week until my next hospital check up. I know my body, & my baby, need me to rest but this is gonna be torture!  I hate sitting still, I hate staying at home and watching the clock until school pick up and I know that'll be on the agenda when baby arrives but for now I would much prefer to be making random trips to China Town, getting my festive on at the Christmas factory (yes that was on my list this week) and spending time with my buddies. 

But, let's suck it up! I am going to rock this week of rest so let's start as we mean to go on... hair in messy bun (check), incredibly unflattering but uber comfortable bra and knickers (check), husband's baggy tshirt (check) and sweatpants (check). Bring it on!!!!

By 2pm of day 1, I have completed the two Lego sets my children asked me to construct and have decided that I should probably fill my days with a Netflix series. "Gossip Girls", are you going to be my saviour?! God, I hope so!!
What I've learned so far this week:
1: Hi, my name is Kay and I have a Lego addiction! This week I have built 8 separate kits that have sat in my kids wardrobes for weeks, some even months. Usually we would build these together but desperate times..

2: When left to my own devices, I am probably the most active person I know who doesn't actually accomplish anything! I made Christmas decorations, a Christmas List suggestion box, multiple legos and if anything looks bland, I'm gonna decoupage it!!! I didn't organise the millions of photos I have on multiple devices and hard drives (a job that's been on my to do list for months!)

3: I always say I would drink more water if I was at home and guaranteed to be near an nice loo (you can never be too sure when you're in Bangkok). This turns out to be bull... I don't drink
enough water because water tastes like ass and it feels like a chore having to stay hydrated!! 

4: "Gossip Girl" is my new addiction (along with Lego construction) and I find myself forgetting for a second that I don't actually look like Blake Lively or have her wardrobe..but as I continue to rock my husband's clothes, messy bun and comfy undies, I select a diamonte clip for my hair just to give me that upper east side glam!

5: Being at home, fending for myself at lunch, has resulted in me eating like a student; Haribo, crisps, tinned spaghetti and quick cook ramen noodles.. I have obviously been throwing in the random piece of fruit and I promise every night we eat as a family and there have been vegetables each night. 

6: My body is a slow crumbling vessel! just when I think I'm coping, my body decides to throw me an additional treat, haemorrhoids!! Woohoo!! Having to lie down and stay seated for longer than 30mins was hard enough, now I have these little beauties to deal with! Have I mentioned that pregnancy sucks?!  At least I have my diamanté clip in my hair... my dignity is still intact...stay classy Kay!

7: I amuse myself way too much! When Netflix stops working, you have no Lego to build and no more Christmas decoration ideas, what do you do? Well if you are me, you put on old superhero costumes!!!! "I make babies, what's your super power!"   I actually said this out loud.. I need to get out of this house!

 ( I would have taken a full body pic but due  to the excess material required to cover my bump, it was a tad too revealing! )

Wish me luck for the rest of the week,


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