To my tribe...

I truly feel like my little girl got a glimpse of how beautiful female friendships can be, this past Sunday. Some of my wonderful friends in Bangkok, decided to throw me a surprise baby shower. This is no easy task when you are organising a surprise event with a mixture of women whom have multiple mummy obligations, visitors staying from around the world, work trips, possible hangovers and all for a woman who has just come off surprise bed rest.. I'm sure they were concerned that perhaps the surprise could result in a surprise gush of water hence the reason my legs are crossed in most of the pictures! 

Walking into the room to see all those smiley faces and to see all the effort they had put in to make the afternoon special was just amazing. I am known to be a crier and when you add a ridiculous amount of hormones and the relief from being off bedrest; ugly tears begin.
When I first moved here, I told my husband that I wasn't here to make friends; I have lovely friends  in Scotland and was astounded to make such strong friendships in our short time in Houston. We were  here to enjoy this adventure as a family, travel and if we made friends along the way that would be an added bonus. How wrong was I?! Who would have thought I'd have met so many amazing women, from all different countries and backgrounds and be able to share this unexpected and exciting baby adventure with.  These friendships have added so many layers to our adventure and as a result I have been introduced to new things, pushed myself to get my introverted self off my ass and get involved and become part of several different and inspirational communities, or as I like to call them Tribes AKA Our Bangkok Family

I think as women, we often look for the bad.. we look in the mirror and identify the blemishes on our faces or the grey hairs, we get a compliment about our outfit and feel the instant need to explain that's it's a cheap number from years ago and when we think of groups of women, we often think of cliques or bitchy behaviour..
But when you stop and appreciate the beauty of sisterhood; it's pretty freaking awesome.
So today, as I am now in the middle of getting my hair coloured and have started to weep publicly (please recall how I mentioned that I am the ugliest crier!) , I'll keep this brief...

Put yourself out there today and show your friends how much you care & value their friendship. Perhaps you could do a good deed for them, thank them for doing something which they don't expect thanks for, maybe call to catch up or maybe just acknowledge them for being your kinda weirdo!

I have no idea how long our adventure here in Thailand will last but these women, and the ones who couldn't make it & the ones that I see only occasionally but always make me smile, all help to make it even more special. 
So to my tribe, thank you!


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