
Showing posts from August, 2017

Breakfast Breakdowns!!

Mornings with kids can be tough . Mornings where you have to be up and out of your house by 6.30 with kids, is a nightmare of catastrophic proportions!!! A simple lost sock or hair dilemma and you find yourself in the middle of a breakfast breakdown and your day is already screwed! So to add to this madness, I've decided (in my infinite wisdom) to introduce new breakfasts for my kids to try! As a family, we tend to eat healthily but I'm aware that my kids breakfast choices are not the healthiest and I need to up my breakfast game. Banana Hotdogs  I decided to start off easy and try "breakfast banana hot dogs". Basically this is sliced banana in a hot dog bun with your own spread ( peanut butter, butter, honey, jelly, Nutella would all be good options); served with a side of grapes and apples. My verdict : Super quick and easy & if it gets my kids to eat more fruit, I'm in!  As a kid, I would have loved this. Kids verdict: " Hotdogs!?!

Tiger Mum Alert

The urban dictionary defines a tiger mother as: "A  mother  who is overly strict with her  child  in order to foster an academically competitive spirit. This form of upbringing is intended to direct a child towards financially successful careers at the potential risk of feeling emotionally unfulfilled and/or socially inept.  I was oblivious to this term until we moved to Asia in early 2016. Initially, I guessed that this term was something specific to Asian mums who signed their kids up for every extra curricular activity (ECA) possible and academically, their child was pushed to outshine everyone else and A's are the only acceptable grade...   I've met some amazing mums and dads here and they are so supportive of their kids and want nothing but the best for their future and as a result their 7 year olds start their school day at 7.30 with the rest of their classmates, attend an ECA straight after school and whilst their friends are then having a play date o

What are you going to write about??

Since I launched this blog last week, I've had some lovely support and lots of questions. One question I found most common was, " what are you going to write about?" Those of you that know me, know how dippy I am. I love to think that I'm über organised and I live for a to do list but honestly, I'm unmethodical, unsystematic, undisciplined, unprepared and all the other words I found when I googled "synonyms for disorganised"!! (I love a Google!!)   This question really helped me focus on why I started this blog and what I want to gain from it.  I'm a very honest person and want to share my experiences as a mum; a role I not only find challenging and incredibly rewarding but one that comes without a manual but with a ridiculous set of expectations; some set by society, some by other mums and the harshest being the ones we set ourselves.  I find in today's society, where Facebook and instagram dominate, everyone's life looks so perfect

Schools In!

Schools In! As a kid, I used to countdown the sleeps until the start of the new school year.  I loved  going out to buy all the new stationary, trying my hardest to persuade my mum to buy me the leather "Head" bag I knew all my friends were getting and desperately hoping that this would be the year she would give in & finally buy me the Clark's Princess shoes I was so longing for! No one prepared me for my babies starting their countdowns. Helping them pick out their pencil cases and a bag that I hoped would be functional (snore) but also cool enough to impress their friends, was the first stressful job.                                                                                                       O ur kids currently attend an international school here in Bangkok and as a result, many kids have left to move to other countries over the summer and many more have arrived.  To help alleviate the heartbreak of long term school friends moving on, our sc


Hi, my name is Kay and I am a blog virgin! This is my first blog entry and I am happy to report that this task resulted in me experiencing my first dose of writer's block in a very long time! How can someone have so many ideas and thoughts jumbling around in their head but not have a clue where to start? So, let's be logical (something which has never really been one of my strengths...). Who am I? Like so many of you, I wear many hats; I'm a mummy to 2 amazing kids, I'm a wife to an incredible & ridiculously patient man, I'm a full time stay at home mummy, a Scot living as an expat in Thailand, a primary school teacher, a daughter, a friend, a sister and so much more. And this, I feel, is where my story begins. I often feel I struggle to manage all my different roles whilst always staying true to myself.   What better way to express these feelings and ideas than share them on a blog?  This blog is my opportunity to share my honest thoughts on life